I was trying to estimate time taken for various integration’s wM to sap, wm -baan , wm -oracle etc .Does any one have figures or can they pl let me know about the about there experiences.
K Rikky Shah
I was trying to estimate time taken for various integration’s wM to sap, wm -baan , wm -oracle etc .Does any one have figures or can they pl let me know about the about there experiences.
K Rikky Shah
For me, it depends of course on the complexity of the integration. If you’re integrating two systems only, I’ve seen projects take anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months. If you’re integrating more than two systems (and even only two systems) the best thing you can do to reduce the integration time is to develop a business structure that contains all of your business objects BEFORE you start integrating the systems. It’s possible to develop a canonical (universal data model) so two systems can communicate without taking into account the business structure of ALL your possible data. Then when you go to integrate another system you start from scratch because you can’t use the canonical you built for the first integration. Then in the end you still have point-to-point communication through a hub&spoke tool! All this work for an extra layer of complexity. This is a winded answer to your question, but i bring it up because projects that have started this way end up taking the longest - 10 months or more - while projects that have a good model of their entire data structure from the beginning can wrap up much sooner and be much more effective.
B2B by itself as opposed to A2A can connect SAP and/or Oracle to the internet much faster depending on the communication language (XML, edi, etc.) I’ve seen simple integrations done in 3 weeks (to a hub), but marketplace buildouts would take much, much longer.
I’m very interested in hearing other experiences as well. I’m basing my statements on only a few, widely varying experiences.