Webmethods losing connection

So, i’m really newbie on administering webMethods, i’m having some troubles with WM installed on a windows server 2003 x64, it’s important to say this WM has been running for three years

I start the service and it keeps running for some 30 minutes and after this the service is closed automatically, viewing the log file i see this:

2011-01-06 16:13:10 BRST [ISS.0098.0036C] wm.prt.status:trigger encountered Transport Exception: [ISS.0098.9014] BrokerException: Comm Failure (102-2050): Unable to open connection to host ‘localhost’. Error ‘java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect’ was reported by the socket call.

2011-01-06 16:13:12 BRST [ISS.0098.0036C] wm.EDIINT.rec:FTPInboundTrigger encountered Transport Exception: [ISS.0098.9014] BrokerException: Comm Failure (102-2050): Unable to open connection to host ‘localhost’. Error ‘java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect’ was reported by the socket call.

2011-01-06 16:13:12 BRST [ISS.0098.0021D] Persistent Trigger Output Dispatcher started
2011-01-06 16:13:12 BRST [ISS.0098.0021D] Volatile Trigger Output Dispatcher started
2011-01-06 16:13:12 BRST [ISS.0098.0034D] webM IS RequestReplyHandler starting execution.
2011-01-06 16:13:12 BRST [ISS.0098.0027D] PersistenceManager started all Stores
2011-01-06 16:13:19 BRST [ISS.0025.0036C] Dispatcher started
2011-01-06 16:13:19 BRST [ISS.0025.0005C] Port Manager started
2011-01-06 16:13:19 BRST [ISS.0025.0013C] Cache Sweeper started
2011-01-06 16:13:19 BRST [ISS.0097.0003D] Broker Synchronizer cannot reach the Broker; cannot obtain an admin transport
2011-01-06 16:13:19 BRST [ISS.0097.0002C] Broker Synchronizer has been disabled
2011-01-06 16:13:19 BRST [ISS.0025.0047C] Start user task scheduler
2011-01-06 16:13:19 BRST [ISS.0014.0002C] Initialization completed in 164 seconds.
2011-01-06 16:13:19 BRST [ISS.0014.0025C] Master password for outbound password encryption has expired. Password was last changed on 2008-04-14 10:04:47 BRT. The current expiration interval is 366 days
2011-01-06 16:13:19 BRST [ISS.0025.0016C] Config File Directory Saved
2011-01-06 16:13:31 BRST [ISS.0098.0041C] Unable to connect to Broker. Starting to poll
2011-01-06 16:13:31 BRST [ISS.0097.0003D] Broker Synchronizer cannot reach the Broker; cannot obtain an admin transport

Eduardo, seems that Integration Server is loosing connection to the Broker. To check whether it is connected or not go to IS admin page Settings > Messaging > Broker Settings and check whether the Connected flag is showing Yes.

Another point, it’s being a Windows installation, check whether it has been any upgrade to the server, firewall, etc that could cause this behavior.

Another checkpoint, Since the error refers to a socket call failure. Check running a telnet against the broker port, to see when it becomes offline.

thanks for your answer

unfortunately in my company broker is not enabled on all the webMethods, there’s only one strange thing whose i saw when i checked your advice, broker was enabled on this webMethods, so i disabled and the problem keeps

Did you tried to restart your IS after disabling the broker connection? Dispatcher connection and trigger store do required IS restart if change broker configuration.

Eduardo in this case as devexpert said, you need to restart IS, before checking again. During the server startup, you might see some messages related to broker.

Hi all,

we have a similar issue since a few weeks with our webM (running since years) with following error message:
2012-05-10 07:55:28 CEST [ISS.0099.0007E] BrokerTransport:SAP_oxse.trigger_mqToSAP_outbound_E1KA62 got Exception: Comm Failure (102-2050): Unable to open connection to host ‘localhost’. Error ‘java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect’ was reported by the socket call.

Usualy we run exe server_qsck which is checking and at the end deleting (corrupt?) messages. Any more ideas? Right now the error appears nearly every night and causing lots of trouble in support.

Thanks for your help.



  • this is the log of the job mentioned above -

Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.


C:>cd temp



I:>cd I:\Programs\Broker\bin

I:\Programs\Broker\bin>server_qsck.exe check B:\Programs\Broker\data\awbrokers65
[BRC.300.1053] Phase 1: ERROR: The QS Log file for “B:\Programs\Broker\data\awbr
okers65\default\BrokerData.qs” named “B:\Programs\Broker\data\awbrokers65\defaul
t\BrokerData.qs.log” is corrupt or not playable:
CORRUPT(QS-14) source:qs.cc line:5087
group 0
trans_id 194962 → 194962
offset 6286 → 6289
blocks 3 of 3
group 1
trans_id 186824 → 186824
offset 6289 → 6303
blocks 14 of 22
group 2
trans_id 186825 → 194846
offset 6303 → 6286
blocks 3 of 3
[BRC.300.1050] Phase 1: ERROR: Log replay of QS Log file for “B:\Programs\Broker
\data\awbrokers65\default\BrokerData.qs” named “B:\Programs\Broker\data\awbroker
s65\default\BrokerData.qs.log” fails: CORRUPT(QS-14) source:qs.cc line:5087
[BRC.300.1030] Phase 1: QS FAILURE

Press any key to continue . . .

I:\Programs\Broker\bin>server_qsck.exe fix B:\Programs\Broker\data\awbrokers65\d
[BRC.300.1059] Phase 1: ERROR: The QS Log file for “B:\Programs\Broker\data\awbr
okers65\default\BrokerData.qs” named “B:\Programs\Broker\data\awbrokers65\defaul
t\BrokerData.qs.log” is inconsistent and cannot be replayed: CORRUPT(QS-14) sour
ce:qs.cc line:5370
Phase 1: QS Log file named “B:\Programs\Broker\data\awbrokers65\default\BrokerDa
ta.qs.log” cleared successfully.

Press any key to continue . . .




I:\Programs\Broker\bin>cd I:\Programs\Broker\bin

I:\Programs\Broker\bin>server_qsck.exe check B:\Programs\Broker\data\awbrokers65
[BRC.300.1279] Phase 2: ERROR: Checking the Event Access linkage for Broker “Bro
ker #1” indicates that the reference is inconsistent (error 3124), fixing needed
to proceed!
[BRC.300.1077] Phase 2: ERROR: Broker SAL Non-Recoverable Failure! Further fixin
g may be required!

Press any key to continue . . .

I:\Programs\Broker\bin>server_qsck.exe fix B:\Programs\Broker\data\awbrokers65\d
ASSERT: In function “??R?$QSEAListElementChecker@V?$QSEAList@UStorageQueueElemen
eElement@@$0BE@@@@Z”(), file “salqs_recovery.cc”:1508, assert check (rc != QS_OK
) fails!
[BRC.300.1263] Phase 2: Fixing Client Queue “SAP_oxse.trigger_mqToSAP_outbound_E
1PM64” for Broker “Broker #1” removed the 4 following entries:
[1…2] (2 entries) : receipt seqn [ 9550 … 9551 ]
[3] : receipt seqn 9553
[4] : receipt seqn 9555

Press any key to continue . . .


server_qsck - the webMethods Broker Server QueueStorage Checker

usage: server_qsck [ args … ]


check : checks the storage of a Broker Server but does not fix anything
fix : checks and fixes the storage of a Broker Server
help : displays this help message
-version : reports version number and exits

use “server_qsck help command” to display help for a particular command




I:\Programs\Broker\bin>cd I:\Programs\Broker\bin

I:\Programs\Broker\bin>server_qsck.exe check B:\Programs\Broker\data\awbrokers65
[BRC.300.1250] Phase 2: ERROR: Checking Client Queue “SAP_oxse.trigger_mqToSAP_o
utbound_E1PM64” for Broker “Broker #1” indicates 1 entries with errors, fixing n
eeded to proceed!
[BRC.300.1077] Phase 2: ERROR: Broker SAL Non-Recoverable Failure! Further fixin
g may be required!

Press any key to continue . . .

I:\Programs\Broker\bin>server_qsck.exe fix B:\Programs\Broker\data\awbrokers65\d
ASSERT: In function “??R?$QSEAListElementChecker@V?$QSEAList@UStorageQueueElemen
eElement@@$0BE@@@@Z”(), file “salqs_recovery.cc”:1508, assert check (rc != QS_OK
) fails!
[BRC.300.1263] Phase 2: Fixing Client Queue “SAP_oxse.trigger_mqToSAP_outbound_E
1PM64” for Broker “Broker #1” removed the 1 following entries:
[1] : receipt seqn 9674

Press any key to continue . . .


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