webMethods Kibana connectivity

webMethods Integration server and Kibana

Steps on how to configure connectivity between Kibana and webMethods

  1. Install Kibana and Elasticsearch.
  2. Configure Kibana to connect to Elasticsearch.
  3. Configure webMethods to send logs to Elasticsearch.
  4. Open Kibana and navigate to the “Management” tab.
  5. Click on the “Index Patterns” tab.
  6. Click on the “Create Index Pattern” button.
  7. Enter a name for the index pattern and select the “Logstash” index type.
  8. Click on the “Create” button.
  9. Click on the “Discover” tab.
  10. You should now be able to see the logs from webMethods in Kibana.

Here are the steps in more detail:

  1. Install Kibana and Elasticsearch.

You can download Kibana and Elasticsearch from the following websites:

Once you have downloaded the software, follow the instructions to install it.

  1. Configure Kibana to connect to Elasticsearch.

Once Kibana is installed, you need to configure it to connect to Elasticsearch. To do this, open the kibana.yml file and find the following section:

Code snippetelasticsearch: hosts: ["localhost:9200"]

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Change the hosts value to the IP address or hostname of your Elasticsearch server.

  1. Configure webMethods to send logs to Elasticsearch.

In webMethods, you need to configure the logging framework to send logs to Elasticsearch. To do this, open the following file:

Code snippet<WebMethods installation directory>\config\logging\logging.xml

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Find the following section:

Change the host and port values to the IP address or hostname of your Elasticsearch server. Change the index value to the name of the index that you created in step 1.

  1. Open Kibana and navigate to the “Management” tab.

In Kibana, open the “Management” tab and click on the “Index Patterns” tab.

  1. Click on the “Create Index Pattern” button.

Enter a name for the index pattern and select the “Logstash” index type.

  1. Click on the “Create” button.
  2. Click on the “Discover” tab.

You should now be able to see the logs from webMethods in Kibana.


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