WebMethods.io B2B Create Processing Rules
This article explains about how to create the processing rules and explain each option available in it.
It is assumed that readers of this article know how to setup B2B enterprise profile and partner on Webmethods.io B2B platform.
- Set up B2B enterprise profile, partner profile, Business Document
Create Processing Rule:
- In this case processing rule is created to send a message from Enterprise to its partner.
- Processing rule is responsible to decide what actions need to be taken.
- Navigate to processing rule and click on the existing rule
- Click on Add Processing rule
- It provides 3 options.
- These options are a priority for the rule to get executed during run time
- Above: If we select Above new rule will get executed before the existing one
- Below: If we select Below new rule will get executed after the selected existing rule.
- Last: If we select Last new rule will get executed after all existing rules are executed and the condition is not satisfied for any of them.
- In this case Above option is selected
- Click Next
- Now configure criteria
- In this case Processing rule should get executed when
a. Enterprise is sending the message
b. Partner is receiving the message
c. Document type could be any
d. Extended criteria should be satisfied
e. User Status could be any or any specific status can be set.
f. Recognition should not have any errors
Extended Criteria
- We can create custom attribute and set the extended criteria.
- Please refer below link how to create the extended criteria.
Link: Extended Criteria in Processing Rules
- In this case, extended criteria is created on WorkOrderNumber.
- According to extended criteria, this rule will get executed if WorkOrderNumber != 101
- Configure the preprocessing options
- Provides Below option for preprocessing
- Duplicate Check
Check: Duplicates will be verified on multiple attributes like Document ID, Sender, receiver
No: Duplication will not be checked.
Defer to Business Document: Need to verify the properties set at document level.
- Persist Document
YES: This option provides to persist document
No: This option doesn’t persist document
Defer to Business Document: This option persists the document on the basis of properties set at the document level.
- In this case Duplicate check and Persist document is not selected
Configure Action
Call an Integration
- This option provides the option to invoke the endpoints of any integration software by passing URL, username and Password.
- It provides 3 execution modes
a. Asynchronous: Message is sent and will not wait for any acknowledgement
b. Synchronous: Message is sent and will wait for acknowledgement
c. Reliable: Message is sent and if it fails it will retry for 5 times by default.
Deliver Document
- Document will be routed to preferred outbound channel associated with partner.