Want To connect with ARIS Process Mining

Hi all Integrator’s,
Greetings of the day

We want to create an Integration solution using webMethods.io Integration Product
For that we have created one Workflow and want to connect with ARIS Process Mining using “ARIS Process Mining” connector.
we are creating one custom action and while Connecting/Adding an Account for that we are providing all the necessary details

  1. Account Name: ARISProcessMining_1(Kept it default)
  2. ARIS Cloud URL
  3. Project Room
  4. Data Set Name
  5. Client ID
  6. Client Secret
  7. UMC Session Timeout (minutes)… (Default 45)
  8. Response Timeout (milliseconds)… (Default 30000)

*We do have an Admin role assigned

But we are getting this error:

Failed to create account : Error occurred while enabling the connection: Error occurred while preparing a request for the connection alias: ‘fld_1307448567_stage00.projects.flaec993d07bd93d287072e5.WmArisProcessMiningProvider.com_softwareag_cloudstreams_aris_processmining_v1.connections:ARISProcessMining_1’. Details: Could not execute the map service ‘com.softwareag.cloudstreams.ARIS.processmining_v1.utils.authServices:loginSequence’. Exception: Login failed: com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServiceException: com.wm.net.NetException: [ISC.0064.9314

So, could you please suggest where we are going wrong or how we can overcome this error.

Thank you in Advance

Best Regards

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