Versioning with SVN in Local Service Development

Local Service Development

Based on the feedback I received on this thread from Percio and Gerardo regarding Local Service Development (what it can be used for and license clarifications) I discussed the license details and the recommended approach with Sales Representative from Software AG.

I am dissapointed to confirm that for now there still seems to be no official/standard agreement on the license support (at least in Europe). The recommended action plan is the same as Percio’s recommendation.
This does not mean that there is no solutin for it, but it does mean that the approach to meet customer’s needs can vary a great deal.

Hopefully this will improve once more and more customers will adhere to WSD.



You seem to have some great ideas and definitely the right attitude. I’m looking forward to hearing more from you as you move along with implementing your solution.

Good luck,

Thanks, Percio. I’m still finding my way into this but I’m glad to see that I’m on the right track.
Thanks for your support, I will keep you posted on the progress by sharing any useful findings or asking for opinions on topics that could be helpful also for the Tech Community.

All the best,

“Integrating Software AG Designer and webMethods Asset Build Environment with Subversion” article has been recently published on the TECHwiki:

It’s a good starting point for those looking into designing and implementing this type of solution. Plus, it fits well in this thread as well!


Great. Thanks for sharing. I’ve always wanted to create some instructional videos on the topic, but I could never find the time. This conversation has inspired me to make time though, so hopefully soon, I’ll be posting some helpful tips and tricks here as well. Stay tuned.


Hi Percio,

Nice to hear! I do think we’ve covered some key items on this topic that’ll be useful for other community members also. I will continue posting here updates/questions as soon as I have any.

A small update from my side:


Additional to what we already discussed, given the fact that the Eclipse Based plugin is not webMethods native, one type of common issue that could happen is related to merge on semantic changes.

  1. user1 renames a complex type within a docType
  2. user2 modifies the same complex type (starting from the revision with the original name)
    In this situation the results after merge will probably not look good. ( I admit I did not test it :slight_smile: )


Hi Percio,

Thanks for such an informative thread! Further, I am not sure if I am quoting at right place, but we have the below scenario where I seek your expert comment:

Earlier we use to access our DEV server using Designer which is remotely hosted. In our project we have multiple server instances to fulfill the business requirement. Now, we have to do the local development with SVN version control. Till now we have been accessing the remotely hosted IS through designer in our Windows system, but as per renewed licence we have Linux licence, and as a POC we have done the below said things and have the concern and questions around them:

  1. We have Red Hat Linux hosted on VMware player where we have installed the Designer and integrated it with SVN as well.
  2. We can see the concentric circle symbol of ‘Local Development’ only when we are choosing the instance name as ‘Default’ while installing the webMethods in Linux machine, with any other name, options of local development are not visible in Designer.

But as we have multiple business layers we would need more than one instances for local development and all can’t take a name as ‘Default’. Is there any way out for this situation?

Thank you very much! :smiley:


Excellent Conversation.

I set up the CI-CD rig in a lab with 9.9 and Jenkins and was about to post my experiences but it seems Ana has most succintly exposed the usage

complexities/limitations involved.

A few observations


The merge feature was especially exciting thing i was hoping to accomplish.The perfect world where different developers would be able to work on the same code in

different braches and we could merge the changes to the trunk.

I used the Subversion base merge feature of the Subversion plugin to merge the flow.xml of branhes together…however the Subversion merge added a few indentations and

comments that the designer did not like and left the flow service unrenderable in designer.I was able to remove the indentations and the merge worked…however I would

not recommend developers mucking around the flow.xmls

So in Summary -It can work…but it should be avoided

With 9.10 …There is feature to merge changes between services between different versions of the same code …but not with a branch…Hopefully this will be added.
Theres also a “diff” feature which annotates the differences between 2 versions of the server(again not with a different branch which I am looking for.)

Product Assets
This seems to be only for IS services .

It also seems that local Service ACL cannot be moved(It will be defaulted in the target server)

What i would like is for features that would allow in-place check in the version Control based on the generally used integration Products like TN Components,Process

Models,Optimize,Apama etc

Now I know this brings up the point regarding the need to install all the products locally and all that…but Why would I set up a CI-CD platform for only part of my

product base.

In order to sell the whole Continous Integration pitch to business…I need to be able ensure it for all products in my Portfolio…Not just for a few.
hopefully this is on SAGs to-do list.

License implication

With 9.12 SAG has come out with a DevOps edition,which allows you to install Local Iss as required by the Local Workstation Development without hitting the existing

Core license Caps.(Paid of Course)

I wonder how customers who setup the CI-CD with previouse versions worked around this issue.Im guessing that they might not even be aware of license violations,given

the layers between Procurement teams and development teams in todays enterprises.

Also the Devops edition came up October 2016 and the local worstation recommendation came out a couple of years at least before(9.6 I think)
This left Customers exposed to new tool features/Recommendation with negative license implications.

Im still lookign for testing tools to complete my CI-CD setup,
SAG has brought out testSuite with the devops edition in 9.12 but I havent got my hands on it yet(Doesnt even show up in installer)


It looks like SAG wanted to join the Continous-Integration Continous Development bandwagon and all the benefits that it would provide.
Its more like they wanted to be able to say “Yeah ,we support Continous Integration -Contious Delivery”

But I dont think they’re ‘there’ yet.It may take a few more iterations for them to perfect them for their entire stack and also a few implementation iterations and feedbacks like provided in this thread (Provided the CI-CD fad lasts long enough)


I want to learn about Local service development and Subversion control.Can you please share some documents to Thank you in Advance.


you should have opened a new thread for your question as the original thread is fairly solved meanwhile.

Ideally you should start by checking the “Get Started with webMethods” Guide and the “Working with Designer” Guide for the wM Release you are planning to use.
Recommended releases for new business are currently 9.10 or 9.12.

Depending on the release there might be different approaches.



I getting error Asset not locked while checking out the package from designer.

Can any one please let me know how to resolve this issue.