Is there any way to setup JMS clients, to produce and consume messages, without use webMethods jar files (BrokerJMS61.jar, client61.jar and jmsnaming61.jar) ?
For example, my JMS client will run on Jboss AS, so I’d like to use JMS implementation from JBoss, is this possible ?
Yes. The webMethods IS JMS Adapter supports other JMS providers besides BrokerJMS.
Just follow the instructions in the JMS Adapter User’s Guide to place the jars for your provider in the IS classpath and (optionally) use the JMS Admin package to specify the naming provider that you wish to use and create JMS connection factories and destinations.
You can usually do this by importing the file for your provider. The WmJMSAdmin package contains a pre-defined “JNDI Template” for JBoss to get you started.
You have to use the JMS provider’s jars for whatever jms provider you are connecting to. If you are running JBoss but want to connect to webMethods Broker JMS provider, you will have to use the webMethods Broker JMS Provider jars files. JMS is a spec or set of interfaces in Java not an actual implementation. It is up to a provider to write the implementation. In this case you want to use webMethods Broker JMS Provider, you have to use their implementation jars/classes.
There are no fees for distributing the client jars for the broker or the broker jms. There would be fees for actually installing the broker itself in multiple locations if it exceeded your total cpu/license count.