Updating task data

Hi All,

Am new to webMethods CAF and BPM. Am facing some problem in updating task data. The updated details are not getting reflected in other views.

I have created one task and three portlets. In the first view,i have created 3 tabs. First tab is associated with the first view and 2nd with the second view and so on.

I have dragged and dropped few fields of the business data in the first view and second view. And, entire business data in the third view.

Am updating the task data using the update button. If i update the details in the third view ,data is getting updated and updated data is reflected in the first and second view. But, if i update the details in first and second view, its not getting updated in the third view.

Can any one please me as to what could be the possible error.

Thanks in advance,

In the default view, there is a button to update the task. It is bound to an action in the java code. Are you invoking that logic when you update the data in the second and third views?