Update/Upgrade Custom Application Version

Hi leonard_chu

yes it is possible. There are two way

Quick and dirty way is to delete the cloned device management application and recreate it. But…
Deleting the outdated clone is probably a bad idea as this will result in different application Ids… If you previously had your cloned device management assigned to e.g. a global role, that global role might no longer be able to access the app and needs to be reconfigured with the new clone.

The better approach is probably:

  1. Keep the outdated device management clone

  2. Temporarily create a new device management from the new “subscribed” version of the app with not selecting Overrule subscribed application

  3. Go to the activity log of that new cloned application (detail view of the app) and download the zip file of the new version (Try to avoid the “Updated files in application” entry and choose the oldest entry within that list).

  4. Upload the downloaded zip file to the outdate clone

  5. Remove the temporarily create a device management clone

I have tested this with the Cockpit Application but not tried with the device management application