We are getting the following error when activating a connectiosn to a Greek SQL 2000 database.
Error encountered
[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource Connections_SQL:GreeceERP.
[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure connection manager.
[ADA.1.204] Cannot connect to the database with DataSource class “com.microsoft.jdbcx.sqlserver.SQLServerDataSource”.
[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Unsupported VM encoding Cp1253.
Our IS environment runs on a Windows 2000 server and is configured thus:
wm 6.1.0,
jdbc 6.0.3
Microsoft SQL driver 2.2.0037
JVM SUN 1.4.1_07
Many thanks in advance for any help.
Tony Mundy
SC Johnson EurAFNE Ltd