Unable to subscribe the JMS message from Topic


I am sending JMS message to topic using JMS adapter service. To invoke the subscriber service i have used the JMS trigger, and the subscriber service gets invoked. But giving me the following error.

435][ADA.680.1000] Input field: JMSMessage cannot be null or empty
[434]2009-07-01 15:37:48 IST [ART.0114.1007E] Adapter Runtime: Error Logged. See Error log for details. Error: [ART.117.4002] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Unable to invoke adapter service Test.AdapterServices:TextToOrder.
[433]2009-07-01 15:37:48 IST [ART.0114.1007E] Adapter Runtime: Error Logged. See Error log for details. Error: [ADA.680.1000] Input field: JMSMessage cannot be null or empty
[432]2009-07-01 15:37:48 IST [ISP.0090.0003C] Target service called

In Sending JMS Message To the Topic done below steps in flow service.

1.created an DocumentToTextMessage Adapter Service and map my data to it.
2.used Messageproducer adapter service and inputs given are, JMSMessageDestinition as Destinition LookUp name and JMSMessage from step 1. set JMSdeleiveryMode as 1, JMSPriority as 9 and JMSTimeToLeave as 0. and able to successfully send the JMSMessage.

JMS Trigger

Created JMS Trigger providing Destination Name as look up name,Destination Type as Topic
and in the message routing, receving service name is given and also provided the JMS connection alias name.

Subscribe Logic

1.Use MessageConsumer Adapter service, inputs given are lookup name, isDuarable Subscriber as true and JMSSubscriptionName as the name of durable subscriber.
2. Used the TextMessageToDocumnet adapter service to convert the JMSMessage into the document.
