Yes I am still facing the issue, I still haven’t found a way to send my bytes in the properties and not in the body.
Attached is the requested screenshot.
I tried putting my bytes in the body/bytes field, I do not have the error message any more but unfortunately our consumer reads in the properties, not in the body.
Yes I tried and it works, I do not have the error message anymore BUT the problem is that the JMS consumer we have uses the JMSMessage/properties and not JMSMessage/body
Is there any way to send bytes in JMSMessage/properties ?
I am curious to know the use case. if it application data why client maps it to properties.i have never come across such situation. webMethods JMS is like any other JMS. look up JMS API and see if bytes are supported to be sent as properties, i fear answer is no.
As I said, the problem is that I am working on an already working project in which the JMS consumer reads all the datas from JMSMessage/properties and not JMSMessage/body.
| | boolean byte short int long float double String
|boolean | X X
|byte | X X X X X
|short | X X X X
|int | X X X
|long | X X
|float | X X X
|double | X X
|String | X X X X X X X X
So I don’t see why I could not send bytes in the JMSMessage/properties