I am trying to consume a wsdl (from oracle).
I successfully imported it in the designer.
I get the certificate of the wsdl from the browser and i created a jks from these by using the following command:
keytool -importcert -alias oracle -file cert.crt -keystore oracle.jks -storepass password
In the IS Security/keystore , i put the jks file in keystoreliste and in truststorelist.
When i try to call any method from the webservice, i am getting the following error:
com.wm.util.BasisException: [SOG.ORACLE.0002] uploadFileToUcmWS: WS Security processing failed : Unable to resolve partner certificate for encrypting the request
I found a topic which seams to have the same error (https Calls - webMethods - Software AG Tech Community & Forums) but it doesn’t help me.
When i use the method getCertificate, it give me this error:
com.wm.util.BasisException: [SOG.ORACLE.0002] uploadFileToUcmWS: Server certificate rejected by ChainVerifier
Can anybody help?