Could you please help me, I’m trying to install webMethods 8 and I have install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and Database component Configurator 8.0 but when I’m trying to create the tables , I am getting the below error. I have created the WEBMDB database and the Administrator as a user.
Executing action
- Action : create
- Database : SQL Server
- Component : ALL
- Component version : Latest
- URL : jdbc:wm:sqlserver://;databaseName=LocalDB
- User : Administrator
- create Database Component: ComponentTracker CTR
- Versions
- Version: sqlserver 25
Scripts create
Script(1): C:\SoftwareAG\common\db/scripts/mssql/componenttracker/20/create/mss_ctr_c_ddl.sql
Script(3): C:\SoftwareAG\common\db/scripts/mssql/componenttracker/migrate/10_to_20/mss_ctr_m_10_to_20.sql
Script(3): C:\SoftwareAG\common\db/scripts/mssql/componenttracker/migrate/10_to_20/mss_ctr_m_ccs_set_component_version.sql
- Database Connection error: [wm-cjdbc40-0034][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Error establishing socket to host and port: Reason: Connection refused: connect
CDC Error: java.sql.SQLException: [wm-cjdbc40-0034][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Error establishing socket to host and port: Reason: Connection refused: connect
Database component configurator summary