Unable to create Stored Procedure w/Oracle

One of our developers is having an issues creating a stored procedure. It is a 6.5 IS using JDBC version 6.0.3. We receive the following error when attempting to create a stored procedure. Any ideas?

com.webMethods.developer.adapter.metadata.AdapterMetadataException: com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServiceException: [ART.114.243] Adapter Runtime (Metadata): Failed to run resourceDomainLookupValues service. Details provided in error log.
on procedure.catalogName [Ljava.lang.String;@24f7a0

java.lang.Exception: Adapter values are not available.

I assume you mean creating an IS service that calls a stored procedure, not creating a stored procedure.

The adapter connection has been lost. It is either not enabled or the min connections is set to > 0 and the DB has timed-out the session. Change the min connections to be 0 and re-enable the connection.