Hi Forum, i am also hitting a deadlock on the same…i am getting the same kind of error for a single queue listner:
Error encountered
[ART.115.3218] Adapter Runtime (Listener): Error creating listener object: :com.bac.listeners.Test:TestListener. Invalid node name. Can you please help me out as well…!
eg: say you want to create a com.tam.listeners.WSSS:ListerName1 where the folder name in developer where the listener needs to be created is “com.tam.listeners.WSSS” and the listener name is “ListerName1”… in such a scenario in the Adapters > WebSphere MQ Adapter > Listener Types page in the
Select the relevant package.
In Folder Name give the folder where you want an listener to be created in this case only “com.tam.listeners.WSSS” - doing this will eliminate your problem of - “Extra words after …” as this error comes only when you put the full name of the listener such as "com.tam.listeners.WSSS:ListerName1 " instead of just the folder name.
In the Listener Name just give the listener name that is in this case “ListerName1”. and click create.
This would do the honours…!
PS: hope you have installed the WmMQAdapter from the installation image and not a copy from another package…as if thats the case there is another resolution strategy.