UM Cluster JMS/JNDI assets creation

Hi All,

We are facing issues when we create the assets in UM cluster.
Below are the details step by step.

  1. Go to one realm node of UM cluster, click on JNDI tab and mention all the UM URL separated by comma.
    e.g. nsp://XXXX:9000/,nsp:YYYY:9000/,nsp:ZZZZ:9000/. Click Apply
  2. Create new CF and topic with RNAME again separated by comma
  3. Go to other relam node JNDI tab , click on apply
    i donot see the Connection factory or the topic
    But i can see the Topic with ‘c’ symbol in the left panel.

Can someone confirm what is the expected behavior?
Should not it be reflected across all UM realm node JNDI tab?

When i add in IS jndi the comma separated rnames, it fails to find that topic as look up failed.

I suspect that you made a mistake when creating the cluster and the JNDI namespace is not clustered. To check this, look for the channel called naming/defaultContext. It probably doesn’t have the little orange “C”-badge on it, indicating that it is not clustered. This happens when you establish the cluster and answer “No” to the question whether to convert local stores to cluster stores.

To correct the situation, proceed as follows:

  1. Delete the cluster, and convert all stores back to local stores
  2. Delete all queues and channels from realms 2 and 3 in the cluster, leaving them all on node 1 (assuming node 1 was where you created the JNDI entries)
  3. Recreate the cluster and answer “Yes” to the question whether to convert local stores to cluster stores. If you get an error after this then you haven’t correctly deleted everything from nodes 2 and 3, so do that and then try again.

You should now have everything clustered again, including naming/defaultContext and should be able to see your JNDI objects on all realms.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks It works correctly now