Trigger creation error while building the process

Hi All,

subscription trigger and transition triggers are not getting created and the process build fails with the below error.

Checking database for prior build and upload of process: “testProcess” version: “1”
Testing connection for Integration Server “STG1”
Generating flow services for “testProcess”…
Generating flow services for “Start CustomerAddress”… Step ID: “S3”
Flow service “zzTestBPM.testProcess.testProcess_1.STG1:Start_CustomerAddress” generated Step ID: “S3” Step Name: “Start CustomerAddress”
Generating flow services for “debugCustomerDetails_S5”… Step ID: “S5”
Flow service “zzTestBPM.testProcess.testProcess_1.STG1:debugCustomerDetails_S5” generated Step ID: “S5” Step Name: “debugCustomerDetails_S5”
Generating flow services for “Message Event1”… Step ID: “S7”
Flow service “zzTestBPM.testProcess.testProcess_1.STG1:Message_Event1” generated Step ID: “S7” Step Name: “Message Event1”
Generating flow services for “debugCustomerDetails_S9”… Step ID: “S9”
Flow service “zzTestBPM.testProcess.testProcess_1.STG1:debugCustomerDetails_S9” generated Step ID: “S9” Step Name: “debugCustomerDetails_S9”
Generating triggers for “testProcess”…
Error: Build of process “testProcess” failed. The log file might have more information.
at com.webMethods.process.generator.TriggerGenerator.setTriggerFilter(
at com.webMethods.process.generator.TriggerGenerator.createProcessTransitionCondition(
at com.webMethods.process.generator.TriggerGenerator.createOrUpdateTransitionTrigger(
at com.webMethods.process.generator.TriggerGenerator.createNSTrigger(
at com.webMethods.process.generator.TriggerGenerator.generateTriggers(
at com.webMethods.process.generator.eclipse.ProcessModelGenerator.generateModel(
at com.webMethods.process.generator.eclipse.ProcessModelGenerator.generateModel(
… 33 more

Need help on debugging the cause for this issue.


Attach the log file, it will have more information to analyze further.

Hi There,

It got created.

the issue was the designer I used was in 9.8 version whereas the IS server was in lower versions(9.0).

I am not sure if this is the root cause but using 9 version designer solved this issue and same way I was able to build in 9.8 designer when I used a 9.8 IS.
