When running a JDBC adapter service that creates a trigger, the following error is returned by Oracle:
(17041) Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1
In search the web for possible causes/solutions, came across this link:
In the “Known Problems/Limitations In This Release” section it states:
“Limitation on using PreparedStatements to create triggers. Since
:foo is recognized by the drivers as a SQL parameter, it is not
possible to use :in and :out in SQL that defines a trigger when
using a PreparedStatement. The workaround is to use a Statement
We’re using :new and :old but the limitation would still seem to apply.
The template being used is CustomSQL. JDBC Adapter 6.0.3 FP1.
wM support says there is nothing they can do as this is really a driver bug.
We can externalize the trigger creation but we’re hoping that someone else may have encountered this issue and perhaps have solved it in some way. If so, if you’d be able to share the solution it would be much appreciated.