Threat Protection Dashboards

Supported Versions: 9.12 & above


The Threat protection dashboards display a variety of charts to provide an overview of threat protection rules configured in API Gateway.

The different widgets available representing the threat protection violations in this dashboard are as follows:  

Threat protection

Threat protection filters

Displays the graphical representation of the events based on the filter violations in the specified time.

Threat protection rules

Displays the graphical representation of the events based on the rule violations in the specified time.

Threat protection events

Displays the threat protection event details like Time, filter name, rule name, resource path, server host, and request time.

UI Configuration

To configure threat protection events for dashboard,

  • Make sure that the below flow service is configured in the "Alert Settings". To know more about alert setting refer "Alert Settings" "pub.apigateway.threatProtection:violationListner"


