Question related to a free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?
customer instance
Detailed explanation of the problem:
In former Versions of thin-edge we adjusted some parts of the docker file, so we could use .env- files to import custom settings e.g. device certificates from outside the docker container. This was especially necessary because the edge-device, where thin-edge runs has no possibility to access volumes from outside (security reasons). As template we used the opcua-solution example from the github-repo and made some modifications to it:
adding smart rest template
adding script to open-rc to handle the env
FROM rust:alpine as builder
# Add custom smart rest templates to thin edge
RUN tedge config set c8y.smartrest.templates customTemplate
# Adding external certificates by env files
RUN ln -sf /sbin/openrc-init /sbin/init
COPY /app/
RUN sed -i 's/\r$//' /app/ && \
chmod 755 /app/
RUN rc-update add certcopy default
RUN echo 'rc_env_allow="CERTPUBLIC CERTPRIVATE baseUrl"' >> /etc/rc.conf
ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/init"]
Now the code changed significantly, so that simple modifications like just changing the version number does not work anymore. The tedge-c8y-mapper and the mosquitto client are now separate instances.
If we use the latest base image from tedge (github-repo) is it still possible to add these necessary modifications to it? Do you use another init system now instead of open-rc? Is it possible to adjust the data for the mosquitto and tedge-c8y-mapper as well with the same methods?
I’ll have a more in-depth answer for you shortly, but I just wanted to check that your goal was to have all of the components (including the mosquitto broker) running in a single container, right?
I think there are few misconceptions here that I just want to clear up first…
The tedge-c8y-mapper and the mosquitto client are now separate instances.
The tedge-mapper-c8y and mosquitto service was never the same “instance”. Maybe you mean there were hosted in separate containers? But anyway, is flexible to allow you to use it in different setups, so both cases are supported, and you can install and the service definitions for the init system of your choice.
I’ve had other users ask a similar question, so I figured it would be worthwhile to show a more holistic example of the recommended way to run and all it’s components in a single container with the help of the very container friendly s6-overlay init system.
Check out the new github repository, tedge-container-bundle, which shows you how to run everything. I would highly recommend forking the repo, and making your customization to it. This will also allow you to sync your forked repo if any changes are made to the upstream (e.g. the source project).
Please following the in the tedge-container-bundle project, but below is just to show rough steps:
Clone the project
git clone
cd tedge-container-bundle
Create the .env file and add your (see the README in the project it even shows how to encode the device certificates)
# Device certificate (public/private)
# Which c8y instance you want to connect to
# You can turn specific services on/off via environment variables
Start the docker compose project
docker compose up --build
The output of the docker compose should look something like this:
[+] Running 1/1
âś” Container tedge-container-bundle-tedge-1 Recreated 0.1s
Attaching to tedge-1
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service s6rc-fdholder: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service s6rc-fdholder successfully started
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-collectd-log: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-c8y-log: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-az-log: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-aws-log: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-agent-log: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service mosquitto-log: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service c8y-firmware-plugin-log: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-collectd-log successfully started
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-c8y-log successfully started
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-az-log successfully started
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-aws-log successfully started
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-agent-log successfully started
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service mosquitto-log successfully started
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service c8y-firmware-plugin-log successfully started
tedge-1 | cont-init: info: running /etc/cont-init.d/
tedge-1 | Current User: tedge
tedge-1 | Writing private key from env 'CERTPRIVATE' (decoding from base64) to file
tedge-1 | Writing private key from env 'CERTPUBLIC' (decoding from base64) to file
tedge-1 | Connecting c8y
tedge-1 | Removing Cumulocity bridge.
tedge-1 |
tedge-1 | Bridge doesn't exist. Operation finished!
tedge-1 | Detected mosquitto version >= 2.0.0
tedge-1 | Checking if tedgectl is available.
tedge-1 |
tedge-1 | Warning: 'tedgectl' service manager is not available on the system.
tedge-1 |
tedge-1 | Checking if configuration for requested bridge already exists.
tedge-1 |
tedge-1 | Validating the bridge certificates.
tedge-1 |
tedge-1 | Creating the device in Cumulocity cloud.
tedge-1 |
tedge-1 | Saving configuration for requested bridge.
tedge-1 |
tedge-1 | 'tedge connect' configured the necessary tedge components, but you will have to start the required services on your own.
tedge-1 | Start/restart mosquitto and other thin edge components.
tedge-1 | works seamlessly with 'systemd'.
tedge-1 |
tedge-1 | cont-init: info: /etc/cont-init.d/ exited 0
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-collectd: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-c8y: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-az: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-aws: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-agent: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service mosquitto: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service c8y-firmware-plugin: starting
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-collectd successfully started
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-c8y successfully started
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-az successfully started
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-mapper-aws successfully started
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.245296388Z INFO Runtime: Started
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.245324055Z INFO Runtime: Running Signal-Handler-0
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.245340597Z INFO Runtime: Running HealthMonitorActor-1
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.24642185Z INFO Runtime: Running MQTT-2
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.246444017Z INFO Runtime: Running C8YJwtRetriever-3
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.2464496Z INFO Runtime: Running HTTP-4
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.246459933Z INFO Runtime: Running C8Y-REST-5
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.246464308Z INFO Runtime: Running C8yAuthProxy-6
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.246467725Z INFO Runtime: Running FsWatcher-7
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.246471933Z INFO Runtime: Running Timer-8
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.246503433Z INFO mqtt_channel::connection: MQTT connecting to broker: host=, session_name=Some("tedge-mapper-c8y")
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.246624892Z INFO C8Y-REST: start initialisation
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.246676184Z INFO mqtt_channel::connection: MQTT connecting to broker: host=, session_name=None
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.246862809Z INFO HTTP Server: Cumulocity proxy has HTTPS disabled (configured in `c8y.proxy.cert_path`/`c8y.proxy.key_path`) and certificate authentication disabled (configured in `c8y.proxy.ca_path`)
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.246866643Z INFO c8y_auth_proxy::server: Launching on port 8001 with HTTP
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.247164935Z ERROR mqtt_channel::connection: MQTT: failed to connect to broker at '': I/O: Connection refused (os error 111)
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.247194727Z ERROR mqtt_channel::connection: MQTT: failed to connect to broker at '': I/O: Connection refused (os error 111)
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.247447269Z INFO tedge_api::entity_store: Loading the entity store from the log
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.247470769Z INFO tedge_api::entity_store: Finished loading the entity store from the log
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.247501978Z INFO Runtime: Running CumulocityMapper-9
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.247512186Z INFO Runtime: Running MQTT-10
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.247515645Z INFO Runtime: Running Uploader-11
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.247520311Z INFO Runtime: Running Downloader-12
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.247523686Z INFO Runtime: Running OldAgentAdapter-13
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.247556395Z INFO mqtt_channel::connection: MQTT connecting to broker: host=, session_name=Some("last_will_c8y_mapper")
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service mosquitto successfully started
tedge-1 | tedge-mapper-c8y | 2024-06-07T13:15:19.24766952Z ERROR mqtt_channel::connection: MQTT: failed to connect to broker at '': I/O: Connection refused (os error 111)
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service c8y-firmware-plugin successfully started
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service tedge-agent successfully started
tedge-1 | s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
tedge-1 | mosquitto | 1717766119: Loading config file /etc/tedge/mosquitto-conf/c8y-bridge.conf
tedge-1 | mosquitto | 1717766119: Loading config file /etc/tedge/mosquitto-conf/tedge-mosquitto.conf
tedge-1 | mosquitto | 1717766119: Note: It is recommended to replace `message_size_limit` with `max_packet_size`.
tedge-1 | mosquitto | 1717766119: mosquitto version 2.0.18 starting
tedge-1 | mosquitto | 1717766119: Config loaded from /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf.
tedge-1 | mosquitto | 1717766119: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883.