the port receives multiple requests simultaneously from the same AS2 client

Hi All,
We face one issue if the port receives multiple requests simultaneously from the same AS2 client and we does not have the resources to handle them at the same time. Is there any way to delay requests from the same AS2 client?
We are using webMethods 7.1.2.

Hi Rocky,

you can try to limit down the thread pool for this specific port.

If the Processing produces to much load when handling the requests in parallet, you can publish them to Broker and process them in smaller chunks which you can handle simultaneously.


wM 7.1.2 I assume you still on legacy world :slight_smile:

Anyways coming to this issue, are you using DMZ/RI port that talks to Internal Server and when you say resource handle have tuned the Resource settings on your IS to handle the receiving volumes?

Also if it is on the RI external port then try to tune the Private Threadpool Configuration and also adjust the Backlog ,Keep Alive Timeout 600000 settings (both on RI and Internal IS port settings)

However, I do echo with Holger’s suggestions in moot 100%


Hi Holger,

 Thanks for your reply.

 You are right to use Broker to resolve this issue, but we haven't bought one.

 We will try to limit down the thread pool for this specific port. 

Administrator > Security > Ports > View HTTP Port Details > modify
Threadpool Max value