Task not getting created

Hi All,

I have created a simple process with one task. The process is getting triggered and the task gets enqueued but as soon as i login to My Web methods Administrator, and open task List Management, am getting following error:

[POP.001.0002] A “javax.portlet.PortletException” occurred with the Message “com.webMethods.caf.faces.data.ContentProviderException: com.webMethods.portal.bizPolicy.BizException: [POP.001.0002] A “java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException” occurred with the Message “com.webMethods.portal.PortalException: [POP.001.0002] A “java.lang.NullPointerException” occurred with the Message “at com.webMethods.portal.mech.task.impl.TaskFacesHelper.setTaskFacesContextPrincipalInfo(TaskFacesHelper.java:102)”””

Thanks in advance

Can you make sure that the Task application is fully deployed? In other words, try to redeploy and watch the MWS logs for errors.
