Tamino and JBOSS

Can I use JBOSS as my Application Server to Access Tamino, Using the TaminoEJBConnection ?

According to the documentation:
- if you use Tamino 3.1.1.x then JBoss 2.2.2 and 2.4.0 is supported.
- if you use Tamino then JBoss 2.4.x is supported.


I have problems for configuring a username/password on top of the dtabase with JBoss 2.4.

Here is what I find in Tamino documentation :

You can add user authentification by adding the following attributes right after the last attribute element:

Unfortunately, I keep getting null pointer exceptions on getConnection() when doing this.

Any idea?

Software AG Belgium, Professional Services Division

  1. Do not use “Tamino EJB API”, it is deprecated. Use “Tamino Resource Adapter” instead.
    To get help more informations are required.
    - The Tamino Version
    - The chapter of referenced documentation
    - The stack trace
    - everything what helps to understand your environment

    Josef Haiduk

For informatyion:: the problem was identified.
For what I remembered, it was a matter of case sensitivity of the attributes (Password versus password) for configuring the driver’s parameters.

Software AG Belgium, Professional Services Division