Hi all,
I’m trying to integrate with a SP which has a TYPE as an output parameter. The JDBC Type in the adapter service is a STRUCT (java.sql.Struct). When I run the service, the following error is thrown:
Could not run ‘flowServiceTYPE’
com.wm.pkg.art.error.DetailedServiceException: [ART.117.4002] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Unable to invoke adapter service bbmCadena100.exemploTYPE:SR_PREENCHE_TYPE_TEST_2.
[ADA.1.316] Cannot execute the SQL statement "call TRON2000.SR_PREENCHE_TYPE_TEST_2 (?, ?) ". "
b ORA-03115: unsupported network datatype or representation[/b]
I tried to change the type to java.lang.Object, but with no success.
I was wondering if my jdbc driver is older and cannot allow a TYPE as a output parameter.
Do you have any idea?