StoreException !!

X-Application Version: 3.1.2, 3.1.1
Tamino Version :
Platform : Win2k, Solaris 8
WebContainer : BEA
JDK Version : 1.3.1

Dear Friends,

we don’t know, what it means ?
How can we solve this Problem ?

MajorEnvironmentException: 217: StoreException occured when processing action “commit”.

Sedo :rolleyes:


Reasons for a StoreException may be

  • multiuser conflict (e.g. another user deleted the document you have madified).
  • server problem (e.g. the server is not available due to network problems).

Perhaps, you can get more information about your problem from the stacktrace.

I can assist you if you post me the stacktrace. Post it to the communtity if it’s allowed to make the stacktrace public, otherwise send it directly to me by email.
