status message of Invalid input - URIString


I have created new partner profile in 9.5 as well as i have created TPA to process EDI document.
TPA has been copied from existing TPA just change required fields. ID ID, Partner ID etc.
Please help me whats wrong base on below error message.

“Task bvtk3q009kpsoj200001cakr failed with no more retries available. Reason for failure - Delivery service for bvtk3q009kpsoj200001cakr failed with a status of fail and status message of Invalid input - URIString. [EDIINT.000001.000003]”

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Hi Dipak,
Can you please check Delivery method setting for the partner profiles that had this issue and save the profiles .

Muralidhar reddy

There could be some issues with your partner profile itself.

Please check the empower KB and keyword search 'EDIINT.000001.000003" there are quite some results which can checked and test it.