SORT in Natural


While reading a adabas file, i get my records as below:


A 20061102 030347 A
A 20061102 030347 D
A 20061102 030347 R
Z 20061102 023837 A
Z 20061102 024929 A
Z 20061102 023837 D
Z 20061102 024929 D
Z 20061102 023837 R
Z 20061102 024929 R

Could anyone please suggest the best way to fetch the most recent records out of these for IND = A,D,R
i would like to sort this on Date and time and get 3 latest records one each for A,D,R

like here
A 20061102 030347 A
A 20061102 030347 D
A 20061102 030347 R

Incase ‘A’ status record werenot there and my Read gives below ,

Z 20061102 023837 A
Z 20061102 024929 A
Z 20061102 023837 D
Z 20061102 024929 D
Z 20061102 023837 R
Z 20061102 024929 R

I would have liked the sort results to be

Z 20061102 024929 A
Z 20061102 024929 D
Z 20061102 024929 R

Thanks in advance.


based on what you have described here, I would probably set up a superdescriptior on IND, Date, Time and Status. Use 3 READ DESCENDING statements (one for each IND) (either 3 READ statements in the program or one READ statement inside a FOR loop to start the loop with each IND value).

I assumed that the “in case A status record is not there” would be a daily thing - records for the “A” or “Z” status may or may not occur on any given day.

Thanks for reply. But i cannot set up a Descriptor field. I have to use the ones available with me which doesnot include the one as mentioned by you.

And I Need to read all these records first to do some processing. Then out of all these , i need the latest for A,D,R ind for some other processing.

So, i would prefer a way to sort these records from the complete list of records i get on reading the file.

In the read loop, store the youngest record you found for each IND value. A status ‘Z’ can only overwrite a status ‘Z’ but not a status ‘A’ value. Sorting is not necessary as you already read all records.

Hi Wilfried,

Could you please tell the same with ex.I am afraid i didnot understand your reply well.Thankyou.How do i store the youngest record .
Do you mean something like this.
If ind=‘Z’
f on-line-date GT on-line-date-temp or
(on-line-date EQ on-line-date-temp and
on-line-time gt on-line-time-temp)

where temp would contain the last rec read date and time for IND = ‘z’?

Hi Rik;

What is not clear from your question is the role of “Status” in determining the most recent record. Suppose you had:

Z 20061102 023837 A
A 20061101 024929 A

Based on just date and time, the first record is the most recent. However, the second record is an “A” while the first record is a “Z”. Is the Status field relevant for determining “most recent”?

Regardless of the answer above, you will want to have three IF tests for each record. Logically they would be:

                         READ record
                         process record...
                         IF current record IND = 'A'
                             IF current record date-time older than newest-a
                                 escape top
                                 move current record isn and date-time to newest-a
                                 escape top

and you would have the same sort of code for D and R.
