SOAP MSG linkage to IS service

In case, soap-msg is the protocol chosen for an inbound message to the IS, how can a flow service be tied to process the SOAP message?


Hi Mow,

You need to register the SOAP Processor to a IS service for this purpose.
Please read the chapter 7 ‘Creating Custom SOAP Processors’ in the document ‘ISSoapProgrammingGuide.pdf’. This describes how the custom processors have to be written, what should be signature, etc.

  • Rajesh Rao

Thanks Rajesh. It seems like a custom SOAP processor would have to be created for this. Is there no way that the default SOAP processor can be used?

Hello Mow,

You can do this. However you have to pass the Service name within the body of the SOAP message. Does that help?

  • Rajesh Rao

Thanks, Rajesh! Does the service get invoked automatically. What does one need to do to actually call that service?

The service to be invoked by the default soap processor is identified by one of the following ways:

  1. The combination of the name of the root element of the soap body plus the namespace name of the soap body must map to an existing fully qualified servicename. For example a root node that looks like this:

would attempt to invoke the “addressService:validateAddress” flow service.

  1. The combination of the the name of the root element of the soap body plus the namespace name of the soap body must map to an entry in the serivce registry that was created using the Universal Name portion of the “Settings” tab for the service you want to invoke. For example a root node that looks like this:

would attempt to find an entry in the universal name service registry for “myNameSpace:myLocalName”. If it succeeded it would invoke the service registered under that universal name (in our case validateAddress).

You can use the pub.universalName:list service to return a list of the entries in the universal name service registry if you are curious about its contents.

The second approach is useful if you want to use documents in your soap request messages that have different root names than your actual service name or if you want to invoke a service several folders deep, but don’t want to expose that structure to external users.


Mark Carlson
Conneva, Inc.

Thanks so much, Mark