I am using IS 6.5 to build a consumer webservice.
I perform the following steps:
- I build a document that matches the schema I received to AddRecords
- invoke createSoapData
- convert my AddRecords document to XMLString
a) Set nsDecls to the following name / value pair
tns1 / [URL]http://eatatjoes.com:7003/services/Gateway[/URL] - invoke xmlStringToXMLNode
- invoke addBodyEntry
wm pukes with “SOAP Body Entries must have a namespace”
I have been reading any and all wmusers posts I can find, but everything I have read says I did it correctly.
I even attempted to change the watt settings to stop this service from checking that and it still croaks.
e.g. watt.server.SOAP.EnforceMsgPartNS=false
What am I doing wrong?