Would like to know how do I set document priorities (both sending and receiving) for WM Enterprise ?
Would like to know how do I set document priorities (both sending and receiving) for WM Enterprise ?
With document priorities, do you mean as in sending, using logic which go first ? Please be more specific as giving an example what you would like to do and what would you like to accomplish. If you would like to have document A and B to send to broker and before they reach the target you can use the out of the box “Join” adapter (included with the 4.6 version of the Enterprise Solution). It can provide you with the AND OR XOR logic within document send/recieving.
for more information you probally want to visit the advantage community which contains the documentation for the enterprise adapters (Join, Logger, Utility).
Basically, we have the following situation here
We have 2 Multi-Threaded intelligent adapters running within the webMethods Enterprise Environment. Let’s call the 2 adapter Adapter-A and Adapter-B
We have the following Workflow/Integration Components hosted on Adapter-A
When an addOrder message is received by Adapter A, it performs Add Order IC (Integration Compoents), which involves locking the order, then performs the Plan Order IC, then wait for the Shipment Plan document from Adadpter B. Meanwhile, an ASN document is received by Adapter A, it performs Receive ASN IC - cannot lock the order, this it waits (the application is designed wait for the lock). As long as there is no additional threads available, this will result in a deadlock situation. I.e. The Receive ASN IC is waiting for the lock, while the Receive Shipment Plan IC is waiting for a thread to continue
Advice Required
Thanks for advice
Find a large mountain of salt and take what I say with a couple of truckloads of it.
I don’t believe document priorities, as far as delivery by the broker is concerned, exists. The documents are stored in opaquely in the broker document storage facility.
One way to achieve the desired result for specific documents is to use a filters combined with subscriptions. Add the priority attribute to the document and use two different brokers. Configure one broker to subscribe to normal priority and the other to subscribe to high priority. This will at least create a situation where the high priority events will be delivered before most of the normal priority ones. TEST this before you rely on it.
BEWARE of the join adapter. It makes use of the broker storage to support your business logic requirement. Join functionality should really be implemented by your proprietary logic. This is real easy to implement programatically in Java or C++ but real hard using the existing GUI language of the adapters. This is why the Join adapter was created, to support GUI driven development. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Take a look at Chapter 2 in the CADK (Intelligent Architecture). There is a section titled Multi-threading Support for Adapters. It describes how you can control event ordering (a prioritization facility of sorts). I’m not sure there is a setting that will do what you need, however.
Another thought for consideration…
I assume in step 2. you really mean Adapter B where Adapter A was specified. Can steps 2 and 3 be made into a request/reply situation? When a plan order is published, a shipment is always returned in reply? Not sure if you can do that or not but it would prevent the thread in A from being released to process the next event–it would wait until a reply is received or a timeout occurs.
Not sure if this helps…
Cannot find the document CADK (Intelligent Architectue) you mentioned in my webMethods Install (v4.6). If possible, do you mind sending me a copy via email
thanks in advance
The doc is part of the wM Enterprise/Broker Online Library (or was) and is shipped on its own CD. You can also get it on Advantage.
Sorry but me sending it to you would probably violate NDAs/licenses.