Set Integration Server Name in Process Step

Hello Guys,

Is there any way to set the Integration Server name for all the steps in the process model in Implementation tab under properties in one go.


I don’t think it’s possible via the properties tag. But it’s possible with any decent text editor. Just open the process file in a text editor and perform search and replace. Be careful to change only the occurrences that should be replaced and no more :slight_smile:

Thanks fml2.

By the way I am facing a problem with Integration Server Name.

Any name other then Default is giving in the below error while building and uploading the process for execution.

Any idea why this could happen?

I checked below things.

  1. Process Audit config in designer
  2. Process Aduit Pool in IS JDBC Pools
  3. WMPRT is enabled

Below is the error message

Error: Build of process "SimpleProcess" failed. The log file might have more information.
com.webmethods.process.generator.exception.GenerationException: Error connecting to Integration Server
at com.webmethods.process.generator.PRTFragmentGenerator.generatePRTFragments(
at com.webmethods.process.generator.eclipse.ProcessModelGenerator.generateModel(
at com.webmethods.process.generator.eclipse.ProcessModelGenerator.generateModel(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginAction.runWithEvent(
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.handleWidgetSelection(
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.access$2(
... 26 more


In old Modeler there was a function to globally replace this Information.

I am not quite sure if there is such a function in Designer.

For the name itself:
It needs to be defined in WmDesigner-Package as LogicalServer and be assigned to the RemoteServer-Alias as PhysicalServer.

After that it can be changed step-by-step via the properties and/or Designer preferences.
