Natural developers automatically think “READ/FIND” when master and transaction files are involved, but a sequential match may be a better solution, dramatically improving performance.
When processing large master and transaction files, the nested FIND is initiated many times. Because there is much more overhead involved in starting a FIND than there is in continuing a READ, READing an entire file is much less expensive than FINDing each individual record. A sequential match replaces the nested FIND with a READ WORK. The WORK file is created with a READ LOGICAL or PHYSICAL, which will benefit from Prefetch or Multi-fetch.
If you need to find widows (masters with no transactions), you READ MASTER with a nested FIND TRANSACTION. Then to find orphans (transactions with no master), you READ TRANSACTION with a nested FIND MASTER. The results require two complete passes of the two files. Another benefit of a sequential match is that you can find all widows and orphans in a single pass (by Adabas) of each file.
In Natural, a sequential match is implemented with two WORK files, or an ADABAS master with a WORK file for the transactions. It may be necessary to flatten an Adabas file to a WORK file. A Prefetched READ PHYSICAL as an extract, followed by a sort, will perform very well for this.
It is necessary that the two files be read in the same sequence, and that there is a 1-to-1 or 1-to-many relationship; a many-to-many relationship is not supported. In a one-to-many relationship, the master is defined as the “one” and the transaction file is the “many.”
ZZMATCH.NSP is attached. For testing/validation purposes, it is ready to RUN, as is, on mainframe or Windows. Follow the embedded instructions for customization for real-world applications. A fair bit of the code is for demonstration purposes (e.g. IF #TRACE-xxx …) and can be deleted once you are convinced the program is working as expected.
To test under Windows, create a text file called ZZMATCHM.TXT from the following data, and drag it to the same Natural library as ZZMATCH. It will appear as a Resource.
00000050BOSTON FRANK 202 555 1212 ACCTNGENG
00000060SMITH JOHN 714 555 9876 ENTMNTGER
00000065SMITHERS CAROL 229 555 1212 ENTMNTENG
00000070SMYTHE JON 562 555 6543 ENTMNTGER
00000080GERSTNER LOU 204 555 2345 SALE01FRE
00000090SMITH SAM 415 555 6382 SALE01ENG
00000001CAIN ABLE 800 555 1234 TECH01ENG
Create a text file called ZZMATCHT.TXT from the following data, and create another Resource, as above.
SMITH ENTMNT07290000025000
SMYTHE ENTMNT00284000059900
GERSTNER SALE0100185000025000
GERSTNER SALE0102974100000000
GERSTNER SALE0103297001500000
GERSTNER SALE0104126800750000
HENDRIX SALE0101184000100000
SMITH SALE0100039701000000
CAIN TECH0101343000100000
SMITH TECH0127032000085500
THOMPSON TECH0100719000785000
THOMPSON TECH0124900000456700
ZILDJAN TECH1300020000012500
You may need to modify the DEFINE WORK FILE statements to correctly point to the two Resources.
For IBM mainframes, here is some JCL you can use to test ZZMATCH.
//* (c) 2002 LEN Consulting LLC
--- insert MASTER data here ---
--- insert TRANSACTION data here ---
// (4.49 KB)