Sending IDOC from BC to SAP urgent

just send that data in for example IDOC DEBMAS to SAP BC then using JDBC (writing java service) or some internal SAP BC database connector (refer BC guide) put that data into Oracle DB.

I have one query. I have successfully installed and tested(through the administrator interface) the outbound and inbound RFC calls with respect to SAP. I have also successfully tested the inbound call to webMethods 6.1 through the developer. To perform the outbound call from webMethods 6.1 to SAP I had mapped one flow service to an RFC. But I deleted that flow service accidentally. Now the WM 6.1 administrator is not allowing me to map any flow service to that particular RFC for outbound calls. It gives the following error: “Name already used by another service type” when I try to map any flow service to that RFC for outbound call. Can anybody suggest me any solution to this problem?

Hi Marcin ,

Thank you for your promt reply. I have got an xml file for sales order from a thirdparty software,

now my query is what should be done in “SAP BC” to get this xml file and what are the consequetive steps that has to be followed in order to convert this “XML” to “IDOC”.

should any settings be maintained at SAP R/3.

Kindly suggest a step by step guide to achieve the above objective.

Looking forward for your reply.

Thanks a lot,
charandeep N

My doubt is that where this XML file is stored when client posts using http service and using which service i capture this file to BC-Developer to start mapping to Xcbl Standards .

Thanks in advance,

hai all,

I have created inbound map(SAP calling SAPBC) using IS 6.1 with appropriate service .when ever i execute that service  with input value(CompanyCode) then the IS server is shutting down.could any one please help me in this regard. 

Thanks in advance

Hi all,

I’d like to add an extra doubt.
If I have a document with same structure of an IDOC, I have to convert it in an IDOC.
I’m trying to use the service, passing my document to the parameter boundNode, but the IDOC_DATA and IDOC_CONTROL returned are blanlk or null.

I think that before I pass my document to the boundNode I should convert it as boundNode. Is it right? What can I do to conver a document from IS 6 to an IDOC?


Kleber Ferreira

I am using SAP BC adapter for integrating with SAP. I have gone through the user guide and the SAP Integration Implementation guide but not clear on the following ares:


  1. Can perform this using the service sap.transport.OutboundRFC directly or creating a map and using it( internally)

What is the difference in the two approaches is there any benifit other then the generation of the service by webMethods in creating outbound maps.

  1. In cases using the partner manager the same can be done using the direct service calls.

The advantage I see in partner manager is :
A. logging of the messages to the message store and
B. Custom content based routing of documents.

What is the larger scope of it and I see some of the functionalities performed similar to TN. I want to know if i am missing a larger picture/functionality.

Partner manager as I understand is independent of SAP adapter and has specific features when SAP adapter or Rosettanet.

The document for SAP adapter 4.6 points out that the service wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.ALEutboundProcess is deprecated and any new development has to use service but when the routing rule is configured it generates the service and uses the wm.PartnerMgr.gateway.transport.ALEutboundProcess service within, I am confused about this too.

I am trying to understand the best option to adopt in the development can anyone help me on these.

We are in the process to call inbound SAP call from wM6.1 developer. We had configured SAP connection and listener. But how do we have to proceed further and tested the same through wM6.1 developer? I would appreciate your help in this regard

Thanks & Regards

Hi All,

I have an unique problem, In SAP BC during upload process from legacy to SAP.
It reads the files from the legacy system and then once the files are moved into BC into a list type, they are deleted from the legacy system. And then the IDOC is generated it is moved to SAP.

We have a problem at this juncture, at times we are losing the RFC connections and during such times the data or the Idoc has not been moved to SAP and is still in SAPBC, when the connection reestablishes then we are not able to reprocess these values.

Because now BC will read the files which are there in legacy system which in turn will overwrite the old values which was not sent to SAP due to loss of RFC connection.

Due to this this data which was supposed to get to SAP is lost and the file in legacy system is also deleted, thus making It difficult for us to track.
Is there someway we can avoid this, that is reprocess the data which is in BC list type, which was lost during the RFC connection loss.
