Self User Registration in Portal [1]

We want to provide a facility for Self User Registration in Portal [something similar to what we have for gmail, rediffmail, yahoo sites].
In the login page itself, we want to provide a link to the new user to register himself. We have tried adding the portlet Add Directory Principal [under the category Users & Groups] to our login page. But while trying to use this portlet from the login page, when it comes to asking for the Directory Service, it says ‘Portal Guest cannot view this item’.
Also, we don’t want the user to first login as some guest user and then register.
Please assist.
Thanks & Regards,
Rumki Bhadury

That portlet is really only for administrative use. Instead, you’ll want to create your own portlet that prompts the user for the desired information and then inovkes an MWS API to create a new user.

You’ll also need to place that page onto a place in the mws taxonomy that is marked as Anonymous and when you invoke the API to create a new user, you’ll need to obtain an Administrative context because the current user’s context (guest) won’t have the access privileges to create a new user.

I’ll post the API example momentarily.

We’re making a simpler API available in 7.1 due out in August.

Hi Imel,

I am new to this technology.

I want to add the Language selection drop down at the default webMethods Login page and the I want get selected language value and pass it to different portlet applications inside webMethods. Can you please help me on this.

I want to know:

  1. How to change in default login page and how to deply those changes on webMethods server.
  2. How to access login page selected language to the portlet pages.

rupesh chakole