Scripts For Start shutdown IS and Broker on UNIX

Hi all,
Iam working on Clustering WmPlatform with third party cluster ( sun, veritas).For that I need scripts to start and stop IS,borker, and ping Broker, IS.
Had any one worked on writing scripts to start and shutdown the IS and broker for 6.x or 4.6 version, to implement the clustering with third party like veritas, sun etc.
If any one can post a sample script to do this that will be great.
Adn Ping the IS from shell script.

Thanks in advance

I am having the same issue. Did anyone had any experience with this and would be kind to share with the rest of us?

Btw, we are specifically running broker in Veritas cluster and i am able to stop the broker using the utility broker_stop (shipped with webMethods) in each of the 2 servers in the cluster (one is active and the other is passive), but i have noticed that another process stays running on the server (awbrokermon) and i am forced to kill the process manually.

What is the best approach in this case?

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

Configuring Broker for high-availability (HA) requires an engagement with wM Professional Services. They will provide the configuration instructions and necessary scripts.

On a side note, it’s unfortunate that wM requires a PS engagement for this. It’s not that challenging of a thing to do. But I imagine they’ve run into enough cases where a client-implemented cluster has pooched things up that they feel it’s necessary.

PS can definitely be of service if your company (or client) is not familiar with the hardware / operating system cluster for your vendor (Windows, Sun, IBM, HP, etc.).

However, as you should do whenever selecting a consultant, be sure that they have implemented multiple Broker HA clusters on your hardware and OS. It may also be important to check the versions as experience on an older version may be nearly irrelevant for a newer one (as is the case with the latest IBM HACMP updates).
