Schema retreiving


Is it possible to retreive a schema using Java API?

Something like yhis:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ino:collection ino:name=“Property” ino:key=“id0000000180”>
<ino:doctype ino:name=“Property” ino:key=“ID_Property” ino:options=“READ INSERT UPDATE DELETE” ino:structure-index=“CONDENSED”>
<ino:node ino:name=“Property” ino:key=“Property2” ino:obj-type=“SEQ” ino:parent=“ID_Property” ino:search-type=“no” ino:map-type=“SxsFunc” ino:sxsexternal-parseafter=“TaminoSocket.addProcessLog” ino:sxsexternal-ondelete=“TaminoSocket.addDeleteLog”/>
<ino:node ino:name=“PropertyReference” ino:key=“Property3” ino:obj-type=“CDATA” ino:parent=“Property2” ino:search-type=“text” ino:map-type=“No”/>

Is it possible to modify it without using define/undefine?

Thank you.

To retrieve schemas, just enter following query in your browser:

For the Java API that means you use the collection “ino:collection” and fire the query “/ino:collection”.



Can I retreive the database name using query?
(Or how can I retreive database name -or db url- in server extensions?)

Thank you.

You cannot retrieve the database url in server extensions. The reason is that it is possible to access the same database through different webservers. See the documentation about that.

To make it possible for server extensions to store something inside the tamino database that called the SXS, you must use the callback API. See documentation on server extensions here.
