I need to schedule a job where we have a clusterd env with 2 servers.
I created scheduler in both the env and enabled them.
What i could see is the job is getting kicked off on both the servers which should not happen.
is the only solution for this is to suspend the scheduler in one of the server?
If so, then how does one can handle if the server where your scheduler is active goes down? is the concept of clustering is going for a toss here?
What clustering software are you using? If you’re using IS clustering, then configure the job on one server and flag the job to run in the cluster.
If you’re not using IS clustering, then another approach is needed to get scheduled tasks to run on just one IS instance at a time. There are a few ways to achieve this and we can explore those if you need.
There is information on scheduled tasks in an IS cluster in the “Integration Server Administrator’s Guide” and the “Integration Server Clustering Guide.”
Could you please check if you have configured the Cluster under Settings → Clustering for both nodes? To verify if it has been configured correctly, you should see both nodes displayed under Settings → Clustering → Cluster Hosts. If not, I would suggest to check the Cluster Settings and make sure they are identical across the node (Cluster name, Discovery Address, Discovery Port). The schedular should only be created in one node and it will be reflected on the other node as both are sharing the same DB.
In addition, some of the things you might want to take note of:
All servers should have the same packages of services.
Each server should have the same user accounts.
Access to services should be the same on all servers.
Each server should have the same event subscriptions.
Clock time should be the same on all servers.
Each server should connect to the same broker.
Each server should connect to the same set of databases.
Each server should have its own diagnostic port.
And also, kindly please advise on the webMethods version and OS you are working on.
For your information, the information provided can be found in Integration Server Clustering Guide (pg 17-21) as suggested by reamon earlier.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
I am using IS clustering and I have flagged the job which I created on one server to run on clustering.
I have checked the settings as suggested by sean and I could see both the servers under Settings → Clustering → Cluster Hosts.
I am using 6.5 version…
Also, what happens if the server (node 1) on which I created the job goes down? will the job be picked up by node 2?
I have previously created job on node 2 as well and suspended now.
Do I need to delete that on node 2?
can you please advice