Scan not working in program editor

When I key the command ‘scan’ on the command line while editing a program, I receive a popup, but instead of having input for: ‘scan value’, ‘replace value’, ‘replace with null value’, ‘absolut scan’, and ‘x - y range’ , Instead I receive a popup with input for :‘Find Value’, ‘From col’, ‘to col’, ‘From label’, and ‘To label’. What happened to the old scan? Documentation shows I should have the old scan, We are running Natural Version 6.1.1 on Suse Linux Enterprise edition, with Natural Security. Thanks in advance.

the command “scan” while editing a program is just the same like “find”. You have to leave the editor first. Then you’ll get the wanted dialog.

The reason is: “scan” loads the codes into the editor work space for scanning. Your program would be overwritten…

Aha, great, thanks again for your help,
Hopefully someday I will be able to help someone…