All the needed native libraries(dll, so) and jars are distributed with the adapter.
When the adapter starts, it uses introspection to build the UIs for the adapter manager and for the EI configured operations.
You will get strange errors like this, if you don’t upgrade properly.
Which means shutdown apsolutely all enterprise stuff, unzip the adapter zip file, and the restart all the services, monitors and tools.
If you don’t do that, most likely you will have such errors.
It appears that you are upgrading an existing installation.
The RFCC and ALEC adapters have couple extra configuration tabs on the AdapterManage, for load balancing, and jco settings.
Let me use windows as example.
Because the classpath has changed, depending on how old version of the adapter you were using, you must do the following.
Go to:
open the adapters_< your monitor name >.cfg file
edit the systemClasspath parameter for all of your SAP adapters.
For the RFCC & RFCS adapters it must be: lib/sapjco.jar
For the ALEC & ALES adapters it must be: lib/sapjco.jar;lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar
The reason for this is that these files get generated the first time you create a monitor or you add an adapter to it. After that they don’t get refreshed by the enterprise server.
So, when we change the adapter classpath, at the adapter side, we must do this work also manually as I described above.
hope this works