SalesForce Integration connector

Hi All,

    I am trying to connect with SFDC application in "" but getting below error when trying to create a new account.

"[b]u[/b]/37.0"Providing enpoint url as getting below error


"[b]c[/b]/37.0"and when providing endpoint url as getting below error

I have tried with creating one developer user and as an system Admin role.

Please let me know what I can check for solving this issue if any one having SFDC integration experience.

Baharul Islam

Hi Baharul,

As of today the Salesforce version supported on Integration Cloud is 29 and 31.
Since you are trying to connect to version 37 that is the reason you are receiving this error.

You can try using either of the below 2 URL’s to connect to version 29 or 31.

Hope this helps, do let me know if you have any other queries regarding this.


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Thanks Pradeep.

Can you please let me know how I can register for an instance of older version of SFDC like 29/31.
Now when I am trying to register it is by default giving me 37 version.

Baharul Islam


I have tried with version 31.0 url but still now getting the same issue.

As I have registered with version 37.0 and trying to access 31.0 may be this is the issue.

If this is the issue ,then how can new client can use it as by default they will be registered with 37.0 version and webMethods cloud integration is supporting upto 31.0 version.

Baharul Islam

Hi All,

I have tried registering new application using SFDC wsdl but getting below error

“WSDLException: Content is not allowed in prolog.”

Baharul Islam

Hi Experts,

As per current integration cloud it support upto version 31 for SFDC connector but when I have registered in SFDC I have receied version 37 by default.For this SFDC account creation on webMethods cloud is not getting success.So,I have tried with creating customs Application on integration cloud by using SFDC wsdl.At the time of creating custom application using SFDC wsdl it get failed with above attached error.
Can anyone please help on this.

Also when creating custom application maximum wsdl allowable size is 2MB but SFDC enterprise wsdl by default comes with more then 2MB size.So,do we always need to use partner wsdl only.

Baharul Islam

Hi All,

Now I am able to connect webMethod cloud with SFDC account.Issue was due to some wrong setting applied.Tried with creating new SFDC account and it is working fine.

No need to create custom application for SFDC.

Baharul Islam