Hello! Does webMethods build-in contain the fuction which can return the file’s creation date and last update date? Does anyone konw that? Thanks in advance.
For example,there are 20 files under the folder /data, wM service return the 10 files whoes creation date is 18th-Nov-2008.
Note that getting last modified timestamp is different to file create timestamp. There’s no Java API for this since create timestamp depends on OS. One way to get the create timestamp is to execute OS command to retrieve it.
I am trying to capture lastModified date time for a file coming from filepolling. I am using getTransportInfo service for that. though I can see that lastModified variable is getting saved in pipeline, but its not getting mapped to any other variable.
Please let me know if I am missing anything. I am working on wM 713.
Hoping to get solution in this thread’s reply!