Hi…I’m new to rest services can someone tell me in detailed manner how to develop a REST service to convert json to document in webMethods 8.2.
Thank You…
Hi…I’m new to rest services can someone tell me in detailed manner how to develop a REST service to convert json to document in webMethods 8.2.
Thank You…
Please use the quick search functionality in the forum and also from the SAG documentation site you can review the web services/REST developer guide for more information etc.
Here is the one example of the RESTful thread that you are looking for more info:
There is community JsonSuport.zip util package available, it has two services to doc to Json and Json to doc. But you need to write add Reponse header like (“Content-Type”, “application/json”) in 8.2. However 9.5 or higher you have these services by SAG only under WmPublic, lot of things improved with respect to JSON.