Regarding the problem I described in my previous post "Millions of Messages After Restart’, I deleted the SLOG and tried to REPLAY all updates on 112 files with more than 100 PLOG tapes but it failed with the message
A D A R P L V8.1 SM1 DBID = 00039 Started 2010-04-28 18:16:06
ADARPL FILES=006,007,009,010,012,013,016,019,021,023,028,033,034,037
ADARPL FILES=039,040,041,043,047,048,051,058,059,060,061,063,066,066
ADARPL FILES=067,068,071,072,076,077,078,080,081,082,083,084,086,088
ADARPL FILES=090,091,092,093,094,096,097,099,103,104,105,106,109,110
*** ADARPL FILES=111,113,116,119,123,124,125,130,131,133,135,137,138,140
ERROR-009, Parameter error, too many values in a list
Check the parameter input.
Supply no more than the maximum number of parameter
values permitted, and rerun the job.
A D A R P L Terminated 2010-04-28 18:16:06
It stopped with file 123 (***). Why is it limited to 60 files? Adabas knows more than 60 files!
Is this a feature or a bug?
From the manual:
Parameter FILES
Description: Specifies one or more valid Adabas file numbers for which replication was turned on. The PLOG records for these files will be replayed and replicated, based on other settings in the Replay Utility run.
Required? No – although at least one DESTINATION. FILE, or SUBSCRIPTION parameter must be specified.
Default: none
Dieter Storr
ADABAS 8.1.3
Replicator ARF 3.2.1
WCP 6.1