How do we rename a portlet inside a portlet application?
We tried renaming the folder representing that portlet in navigator view but it didnt reflect in solutions view.
Is there any technique to rename the portlet?
How do we rename a portlet inside a portlet application?
We tried renaming the folder representing that portlet in navigator view but it didnt reflect in solutions view.
Is there any technique to rename the portlet?
Can anyone help?
Hi Sunny,
In the portlet.xml file, you will be having the portlet-name tag try to change here and in title tag in portlet-info tag.
Try to change there also and repair the project. Hope it will work.
Hi Sunil…The solution didnt work as expected.
It created a new folder with old portlet name in solutions view and the new portlet name was shown.I am attaching the screenshot of the solutions view AddTwoNos is the old portlet name and AddTwoNo is the new portlet name.i cant see any view in the new portlet.
sample (75.5 KB)
ohh sorry sunny…
list of tags that i have changed