Reg. Error while enabling the process for Analysis


I have deployed a simple process and was able to execute it properly.

But when I try to enable the Analysis for the same process I am seeing below error in IS Server Log.
Error checking portal privilege: com.webMethods.caf.wsclient.WSClientException: Unable to connect to web service at http://localhost:8585/services/bizPolicy/directorySystem: url =[/b]

I have my MWS running on port 8595. and when I hit the above URL by replacing port 8585 with 8595, I am able to get the WSDL.

Could anyone let me know where could I change these port settings? Also I am curious to know what happens Internally when we try to enable the process for analysis? :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance.



Check whether you have configured the MWS settings in WmMonitor package homepage via ISAdmin → Packages → Management.