I deployed a process in MWS 7.0 with two Referenced process inside. When i run it, i’m able to see the step in the monitoring section and i also able to drill down to the first referenced process and monitor the step execution. But when i try to drill down in the second proces i received an error message:
[POP.012.9002.wm_bam_instance_steps] Remote Exception caught: electric.util.WrappedException: SOAPException( Client: [ISS.0088.9134] Exception occurred while processing the body of the message )
It seems that i’m getting that error when i try to use more than one referenced process in my main process.
I check the server log and i see that error:
ws.monitor.process.instance:getActions com.wm.monitor.util.MonitorException: Error querying for process control data: java.lang.NullPointerException
it seems to be a WmComAuth issue but i don’t know what to do to fix it.
Can somebody help me ?