Reference the variable based on the scope

If both service B,C have the same variable name
and if you have a branch on service C.Does the branch gets executed based on the value of the variable in service B or on service c since both of them are in the pipe line.Is there a way to execute the branch on the value in the service C.We are having this problems when we use the index variable from the list services,or the value variable from the other string services.
so is there a definite way to reference the variable in the current service and the variable in a service one level up.

I’m don’t fully understand you context. I think you are having problems because a pipeline value is getting overwritten by an inner service.

There are three options.

  1. Use transformers, particularly for simple services like the WmPublic pub.string services. For transformers you must explicitly map the output into the pipeline. You choose the name of the key in the pipeline, so it will never overwrite anything you don’t want it to.

  2. If there is a key in the pipeline that has the same name as the output of a service that you are invoking, then map it to another name before the invoke step.

  3. Use the scope property of the Flow step. The scope property redefines the pipeline to be the contents of a particular IData (Record instance) in the pipeline. The given service will think the complete pipeline is the single IData and will take its inputs from and put its outputs input that IData.