An external application is performing an HTTP post to an IS 6.01 service. The application is sending a set of bytes. I am trying to retrieve the bytes and do a bytesToString but I am not able to identify the bytes in the pipeline.
For testing purposes I saved the pipeline, and below is what I got…Actually the bytes are been converted to the string…
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8” ?>
<IDataXMLCoder version=“1.0”>
<record javaclass=“com.wm.util.Values”>
<value name=“fileName”>testBytes.xml</value>
<null name=“04021009395100010402100941170001 124IBA9 Y NC1 00000000000MW20 0000001000 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@0000 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@0000 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@0000 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@0000 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0@00 0396A9 A1 040210094117000124IB01Y05YT1NA1 000 0402100941170001 1UNIIB L ROMERO BONITO XX19450205 1945000113 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 19450116” />
Any ideas?