"Realm is currently not reachable:Realm was still unreachable after max retry count"


We are having the following issue in our integration server.

On “Settings” > “Messaging” > “JMS Settings” > “JMS Connection Alias Definitions” we are receiving the following message:

“com.wm.app.b2b.server.jms.JMSSubsystemException: [ISS.0134.9064] Error creating connection: javax.jms.JMSException: com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nRealmUnreachableException: Realm is currently not reachable:Realm was still unreachable after max retry count - 2 : nsp://

But the “nsp://” IP isn’t correct. It’s another one. Where can I change this IP that this Connection Alias is trying to connect?

I also checked the “Settings > Messaging > JNDI Settings > JNDI Provider Alias” settings page and our unique JNDI Provider it’s already pointing to the correct IP, not the

But still doesn’t work.

Please, what should I do?

Thank you.


I solved the issue:

It solution it’s to go to your Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager Realm that you are trying to connect > go to “JNDI” tab > “Connection Factories” and check if your connection factory it’s pointing to the correct IP. In my case, it was not.

I defined the correct IP in my connection factory and the JMS could connect to the UM.